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Clinical Trials and Observational Studies - BioClever

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eCRFs: Ensuring quality for your clinical trial results

eCRFs: Ensuring quality for your clinical trial results

The electronic case report form (eCRF) is a vital application throughout the development of clinical research. It collects and manages all clinical and laboratory data for subsequent analysis and conclusions. There are no regulations requiring an electronic case report form (CRF). However, eCRFs offer several advantages over manual CRFs. Collecting data through an eCRF on a computer makes all the information available in real-time, ensuring the accuracy of the data, accessibility from different locations, faster safety alert decision-making, improving management efficiency, and reducing costs.
CTMS: Ensuring effective management of your clinical trials

CTMS: Ensuring effective management of your clinical trials

The CTMS is the Clinical Trial Management System. It is the essential kit of tools necessary to plan, manage and conduct an effective follow-up of clinical trials. It is a comprehensive and specialized project management application accompanying the study team through the trial start, enrollment, and follow-up, until its closure.